Monday, August 14, 2006

Hurra Torpedo - Total Eclipse of the Heart

(Testing, testing)

Just in case I'm not the last person to have seen this (video)

Hurra Torpedo - Total Eclipse of the Heart

... famously sung by Bonnie Tyler in the 80s, repurposed by Norwegian "Hurra Torpedo" into what boingboing aptly describes as "a mournful, appliance-smashing dirge".

Ha ha, sorry Allen!


Allen said...

Awwwwww Snap!! We have created a monster. H Low, I was worried about your skills behind the control panel but you have succeeded in lowering the bar to a new level.

I am moving to Norway (or is it West Virginia?). What other country gives all their mentally disturbed, redneck, hipsters a chance at TV stardom?

essrog said...

Trust me, it will go much lower - challenge accepted!!

Anonymous said...

why the asssssss???

essrog said...

That's for the ladies. Ha ha